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Follow-up after the General Assembly 2020

By Kristin Vandenbussche

UPIP-VAPI was founded in 1953 as an association for pharmacists working in the industry, when the development of the regulation on the industrial preparation of medicines started. For the first time the term industrial pharmacist was introduced. UPIP/VAPI has already a long history of more than 65 years and since a few years may be entitled as a Royal Association.

Since that time the pharmaceutical industry experienced an important evolution and things changed a lot. Also the way organizations are structured has been changed. And even legislation on organizations has evolved. A reform of the legislation on companies coming into force since the end of 2019 forced UPIP-VAPI to become an ASBL (Fr: Association Sans But Lucratif) or VZW (Nl: Vereniging Zonder Winstoogmerk). The General Assembly – June 2020 – agreed on the adapted bylaws, which will be published before the end of the year in the Moniteur/Staatsblad. In the same time the official address of UPIP-VAPI is transferred to Av. Robert Schuman, B-1400 Nivelles, the site of CERPAN (Cercle Royal Pharmaceutique de l'Arrondissement de Nivelles) where, before corona, we held our board meetings and the 2019 General Assembly. The phone number of the administration remains unchanged +32 478 20 31 87.
A consequence of the current adaptation is some more administration in the field of financial reporting and accounting. The activities of UPIP/VAPI are not influenced by this transition enforced by law on companies.
The board welcomes a new member: Benjamin Ader.
Following on the General Assembly the tasks in the board have been assigned or confirmed.

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