

The distribution of medicines must comply with the strict rules described in the Good Storage and Distribution Practices (GDP) established by the European Union and implemented in Belgian law.

As a Responsible Person (RP), the pharmacist (a pharmacist's degree is not required for this position but it is recommended) is tasked with setting up and maintaining a quality system. In addition, the RP must ensure that the products stored and/or transiting through the distribution center are covered by the distribution authorization. Other responsibilities relate to this position such as managing customer complaints, managing batch recalls and so on.   


A good knowledge of the medicinal product and of the regulatory environment is essential in order to properly carry out these tasks and to manage interfaces both internal (e.g.: manufacturing site) and external (e.g. subsidiaries, Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products).

Finally, the problem of falsified medicines causes countless victims every day throughout the world. Again, a good knowledge of the products, the supply chains and the various players in the distribution of medicines (customs agents, ...) can help to limit and intercept any falsified medicine as soon as possible.

The RP is usually the contact person with the competent authorities but the pharmacist can also occupy several positions within the drug storage and distribution centers.