Pharmaceutical information

asset_image  The pharmaceutical industry develops and manufactures medicines for patients.
It provides physicians with tools that help them protect and improve the health of their patients. Like other industrial sectors, it engages in marketing, but the nature of its activities imposes a special ethic on the pharmaceutical industry.

Without the dissemination of information that concerns it, a therapeutic specialty would be a simple laboratory curiosity, even if it has great potential. More and more pharmacists are working in the field to promote the products of the companies to prescribing physicians and other specialists in the medical world.

To control medical information and advertising, the presence of a person responsible for pharmaceutical information (doctor or pharmacist) is provided for by the Royal Decree of 7 April 1995 (Art. 13 to 15). 

Human health requires good use and reliable and correct information. Advertising of medicinal products must be in accordance with the data approved in the application for marketing authorization and the rules in force.

Again, the profile of the pharmacist is very appropriate for carrying out these tasks.

The Person Responsible for Pharmaceutical Information is accredited by the Minister of Public Health and has the following tasks: info

  • training of pharmaceutical sales representatives,
  • managing the distribution system of medical samples,
  • approving any promotional material including the website,
  • monitoring the benefits to prescribers (MDEON),
  • following-up and participating in inspections related to the monitoring of advertising,
  • verifying package leaflets (in accordance with the registration dossier),
  • updating the E-compendium.

In order to be recognized by the Competent Authorities as the person responsible for information, the applicant has to provide evidence that he has at least one year experience in the field of pharmaceutical information.